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Smiles for Miles: 16 Months in Remission

“A smile will go the mile, while a frown will take you down.” ~ Anthony Liccione

This July we have smiles …literally for miles… 32.68 to be exact! Once we got the go-ahead from Margarita’s medical team a few months back, I have been slowly increasing her activity level while continually checking in with the doctors to make sure Margarita is exercising at a safe level. Margarita now walks on any good-weather / safe-temperature days. Some of these miles also involved participation in 5K events that benefit different non-profit organizations to help others in need. I don’t focus on recording a fast time on our walks – in fact – I make it a point to let Margarita set the pace, and to let her enjoy every second of the walk, sniffing whatever she pleases. We take water breaks, take selfies, and most of all, take our time – something I am grateful to still have with this angel. Our walks have already created some pretty amazing adventures…and yes, I truly smile every mile! I am looking forward to logging more miles and memories with Rita in August!

Cardiology Check Up

Margarita saw her cardiologist, Dr. Bossbaly, at VSEC on July 29th for her scheduled echocardiogram and bloodwork recheck for her chemotherapy-induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Dr. Bossbally reported that she was able to detect a 2/6 whispy band shaped holosystolic murmur at the left apex. This is a great improvement from her original diagnosis. Margarita’s heart rate was 118 BPM and regular. Her lungs are also still clear, and she is breathing normally.

Margarita’s bloodwork did show some elevated liver enzyme levels once again, as she has had in the past.

Overall, Dr. Bossbaly said that Margarita’s heart disease is stable on her current medications, and added that there was no arrhythmia recorded during the entire echocardiogram. Dr. Bossbaly wants us to continue Margarita’s heart medication. She would also like us to continue tracking Margarita’s sleep respiratory rate (SRR). This is extremely important in anticipating fluid shifts and onset of congestive heart failure. Dr. Bossbaly added that she would like Margarita to be on her cardiac medication for the rest of her life in order to maintain her progress. Margarita will have another cardiology re-check in 6 to 8 months.

Monthly Check-Up with Primary Veterinarian

Margarita’s primary veterinarian, Dr. Campbell, at Old York Veterinary Hospital also examined Rita on July 29th. She was pleased with Margarita’s overall health and her cardiology report. Dr. Campbell also did a full exam, and checked Rita’s mammary tumors, which have had no significant changes. Margarita does not have any signs of a Lymphoma recurrence at this time. However, Dr. Campbell was not happy with the elevated liver enzymes, and would like to re-test Rita’s levels in 3 months.

Adventure List

Margarita also checked-off another adventure list item and enjoyed a picnic with her 2-legged cousin, James! Click HERE to see the full picnic post.

This Month’s Treat

Margarita enjoyed Classic Bantam Bagels from Starbucks!

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