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On Pins and KNEEdles: TPLO Surgery #2 (Left Knee)

March 6, 2023

Well…more like plates and screws…Today Whiskey had TPLO surgery on her left knee. I’m not sure why, but I was even more nervous this time around!

The surgery was performed at Mount Laurel Animal Hospital by Dr. Morris. Whiskey’s drop off time was 7am so we arrived a few minutes early so that she could visit her farm friends before being admitted for her procedure.

7:00 am: Check-In

Here we go!

Whiskey was a good girl (for the most part!) while in the waiting area after we checked in.

8:00 am

Once I got back home, I did a deep cleaning of the Fish Fortress so that her recovery area was super clean and ready for her arrival home.

8:55 am: Surgery

Whiskey was induced under general anesthesia and X-rays were obtained. She was taken to surgery, where she was confirmed to
have a partial tear in her cranial cruciate ligament. Her meniscus was normal. A tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (PLO) was then performed without complication. Whiskey received an injection of a long-lasting numbing medication along her incision during closure to aid in post-operative comfort.

12:00 pm: Recovery

Whiskey recovered smoothly from anesthesia.

3:00 pm: Will Work For Food

…Specifically chicken! Whiskey schmoozed chicken from her Aunt Amanda after surgery.

3:20 pm: Potty Time

Whiskey post-surgery soaking up some sun on this beautiful sunny day.

3:30 pm: Post-Surgery Selfie

Hanging out with her Aunt Amanda after a post-surgery snack and walk. Our friend, Amanda, is the Nursing Supervisor at Mount Laurel Animal Hospital.

4:30 pm: Pick-Up

After the first surgery on her right knee, Whiskey walked out of the hospital on her own. This time, she was reluctant to walk at all or to put any weight on her left knee. She had to be carried out to the car. This is understandable and expected because Whiskey’s right knee is still in the process of healing. Whiskey will be a bit more unsteady this time around, so we will have to be extra cautious and take things especially slow.

Home Care Instructions


Whiskey is expected to increasingly put weight on the operated leg over the next 2 weeks so that she is at least touching the toe to the ground by the time she goes to her two-week check-up appointment. By 6 weeks post-op, Whiskey is expected to be comfortably weight bearing on her left leg. Full recovery can take up to 3 to 6 months once Whiskey is allowed to resume her usual activities.

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