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Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. This is an annual observation that emphasizes the fact that early detection of oral cancer can increase long-term survival. This observance is a great opportunity to highlights the importance of making oral cancer checks a part of your dog’s teeth brushing routine.

What Are The Signs?

Some of the signs of oral cancer may be:

Not all of the signs above may be obvious at first. Your best defense is to check your dog’s mouth regularly. Below is a guide from Chase Away Canine Cancer on how to check your dog’s mouth for signs of cancer.

Click HERE to see the full guide on how to check your dog’s entire body for cancer.

Our Oral Cancer Warrior

Although his profile may have changed, Lager’s excitement for life and of quality of living has not. Lager has adjusted well to his rostral mandibulectomy and is eating his regular food, picking up toys, grasping small objects, doing all of his favorite activities… and even trying new ones! Lager was very fortunate that his oral cancer did not spread to any other part of his body. I fully understand that Lager is one of the lucky ones to have been deemed cancer-free after his rostral mandibulectomy, and I intend to pay that forward by trying my best to spread awareness, educate others on how to check their dog for cancer, and by doing anything I can to support fellow PAWrents who find themselves on a similar journey with their fur-kid. If you or anyone you know wind up on the same difficult path, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

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